The other day I was asked if I was keeping a journal for all the things that are going on in our lives right now. I told the woman asking that I have a blog, but that I have not been able to put all the pieces together well enough to articulate the things that have happened since August 4th, 2018.
Tag: adoption
We Got The Call
I am so pleased to announce that after so many years of waiting, we received that long-awaited call today that our little boy will be joining our family in just a few short weeks. This journey has been an emotional rollercoaster. One I was not sure I would survive. We started doing respite care for a few kids in February. And that is how we met the boy of our dreams. We began to watch him every weekend for 72 hours and we just fell in love. He fits right in. I was also told this afternoon at the end of my shift that I will no longer be needed to care for the older gentleman that I have taken care of for 2 years. This too is an answer to prayer. It is my desire to be a stay-a- home-mommy. We are starting a new adventure and I hope…
Divine Appointments
Do you ever feel that you are in the right place at the right time? And do you wonder why it seems that the person or persons that you randomly meet sometimes have a special knowledge about you that they should not have, or by meeting them you gain insight into a whole new realm? I’ve heard it called “coincidence” But I believe that many times, more often we have experienced a “divine appointment”. I think that this verse sums it up. Isaiah 30:21 (NIV) 21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Miscarriage, Our Story of Loss and Hope
“I’m sorry, but there is no heartbeat, I believe your baby has passed”…… There is no a way to describe how these words feel exactly. I felt an emptiness and a longing. I was not able to breathe and my heart seemed to have stopped too. It was my worst fear realized. It was a nightmare. I just wanted to wake up from it. It was the begging of a journey, but I did not know what the journey would look like.
Adoption is a gift of love
I am starting a series of blogs to bring the readers into an awareness of our current national need which is to foster and adopt children. To date, there are over 428,000 children in the foster system in America alone.