
A Woman Worth More than Rubies

As a woman I love jewels. Especially the bright candy-colored one.  A woman labeled and considered worth more than rubies catches my attention too. Who is this woman?

She is someone her husband has confidence in. She brings him only good. She knows how to find a good deal when out shopping. And she knows how to make things from material at home so that she is saving money. She is not lazy and she keeps her home nice and neat and provides good nutritious meals for her family. It seems that she is also an entrepreneur, as she buys and sales things and earns a modest income in order to clothe her family in finery.


She seems to be a modern-day woman except that she was born closer to 3000 years ago.

© Terence Mendoza ID 6567021 | Dreamstime Stock Photos

I do not think that she could survive in the world we live today. We live such fast-paced lives, plugged into everything from TV to Facebook to our computer screens. I do not think I go a day without some kind of screen time. Yet when I read about this woman I feel like I want to step into her world for maybe a few minutes and breath.

What makes her worth more than rubies? What makes her different, special even, over any other woman on the planet?

Is she even real?

I find it hard to believe this woman really exist. I have been a woman for over 18 years; in that, I have kept my own home and paid my own bills on my own without help from my parents. Basically, the term I am looking for is “adulting” I have been a real adult for 18 years. In that time I have learned a few trick of the trade to being a woman. I have made some mistakes and also made some inventive ways to cope with everyday life. I have wheeled some deals and lost more money than I will ever admit.

So this woman worth more than rubies defies logic.

As I am typing this blog, I am also juggling dinner for my husband who will be home any moment. 

The Proverbs 31 woman is someone most women admit they strive to become, but often times fail. She defies odds and makes the most mundane task look fun. I want to hate her, yet I want to be her best friend.

This blog will be a new series of the Proverbs 31 verse. A daily glimpse into this perfect woman’s life.

My goal is to bring some tips and tricks into the post in order to help all women gain balance in their lives.



  1. Dana

    Awwww…. you love me. You really love me. One word: Balance. I love you, and I think this is fantastic. What a blessing! Thank you.

    1. Melissa Allred Post author

      You’re Welcome! Thank you for the comment. I hope we can put our heads together and give some good tips to other women who need balance. I love you too Bird.

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